Why cannabinoids are being used in the equestrian industry
Howdy! This month we are going to talk about the potential benefits and why cannabinoids are being used in the equestrian industry. There are multiple areas that are showing to be impacted by introducing the use of CBD and Cannabinoids. At TOML, we break them down into four categories; Anxiety, Wound Care, Focus and Wellness which leads to the goal of greater Quality of Life and Performance Restoration. Let’s briefly look at each and how cannabinoids may benefit.
One of the most common uses for CBD products is assisting with anxiety and stress. This could be during trailering, away from their buddy, competition stress or anxiety that is created in the training process. These changes in environment or expectation may create anxiety that manifests itself in the gut as well as mentally. The use of pellets, tinctures or biscuits could ease this anxiety and assist horses to manage the mental anxiety and gastrointestinal stress.
Wound Care
This is an area that is often overlooked, but cannabinoids may play a significant role in assisting in wound care. In 2020, research studies with cannabinoids showed CBG to have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. In case studies using our products significantly advanced timelines in the recovery from deep gash wounds, slices, large tissue damage and exposed muscle have all been observed with phenomenal recovery.
“Hot” horses come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. The ability to get a horse to stay on task, block out the distractions and focus on the moment is critical in the show pen, practice pen or on a trail ride. CBD products may help to improve attentiveness by stimulating a response from dopamine receptors. Dopamine acts as a neurotransmitter and is largely responsible for memory and focus. The extra attention to detail and focus can make all the difference during training and performance.
Wellness and Pain Management
Additional health conditions that CBD may improve include:
- Pain from arthritis or laminitis
- Ulcers and leaky gut
- Assistance recovering from surgery or injury Immune system depression from oxidative stress experienced with Cushing’s disease
- Appetite regulation
- Mood management during pregnancy
- Inflammation, with the potential to reduce leptin levels
- Respiratory wellness
- Pre and Post Competition use for preparation and recovery
- Abscesses
Quality of Life and Performance Restoration
Recently the Executive Director of a major equestrian organization and I sat down for lunch and the entire time we spoke about Equine Wellness. The basis of everything we do in each of our product lines is to improve the quality of life of every person and animal we touch. Cannabinoids play a vital role in the health of the endocannabinoid system creating a very healthy and balanced body. Whether it’s aiding the health of 25-30 year plus horses, off track thoroughbreds rehabilitating to get back in the game or western performance horses in cutting, barrels and cow work cannabinoids are showing to be the significant difference in restoring health and wellness to live their best life.
If you have any questions about how or when to use cannabinoid products within USEF or FEI guidelines contact me directly at cbdexpert@swhorsetrader.com. As always, we welcome all questions and will respond to them in future editions.
Please visit our website, www.tomlusa.com for more information and to also learn more about The PTSD Foundation of America.