Imagine yourself sitting at the edge of your future and seeing endless days of contentment with a lifestyle of:
Health and Wellness
While we cannot provide such an endless dream we can provide products to assist you in everyday living to allow you to strive to attain such a dream.
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Lifestyle Wellness Assessment forms
Pre-assessment forms provide the framework to help you know the best products and the best applications that fit your wellness profile.
Post-assessment forms are designed to provide you feed back to be certain you are receiving your desired results.
Our company, TOML, works with CBD and its Cannabinoid derivatives to assist each person to maintain a full and robust approach to optimal Health and Wellness.
CBD is part of the Cannabinoid family.
The Cannabinoid family is a growing body of Research about the hemp plant and it many parts and functions. Among the derivatives of cannabinoid’s is the popular and well known derivative – CBD.
We are now finding many parts of the Hemp plant provide other parts of the cannabinoid family such as CBG, CBC, CBN, and many others.
More interesting is the fact that the cannabinoid’s in the Hemp plant interact with our bodies through our own Endocannabinoid system to help us attain that wonderful balance that leads to contentment.
Watch the video below to learn more about your personal Endocannabinoid system.
The Endocannabinoid System – We All Have One
NOC’s Are Naturally Occurring Cannabinoid products
CBD is the most widely known Below is an illustration of the advantages of CBD
Quick summary
•The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a major signaling system that exists in you.
•It continually monitors any instability within the body and returns it to a state of balance or homeostasis so that the internal environment remains stable.
•CBD and other cannabinoids are compounds that activate this system.
•Cannabinoids, both naturally produced by the body (endogenous), and those supplemented from cannabis (exogenous), act as “keys” to these receptors, turning on a variety of functions.
•Within the ECS cannabinoids work with two main cell receptors — CB1 and CB2:
• CB1 receptors exist mainly in the brain and central nervous system.
• CB2 receptors are concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract and peripheral nervous system (nerve cells outside the brain and spinal cord) and modulate immune cell functions.
•See the function wheel below to get a better idea of where the Cannabinoids work.

While the cannabinoid Marijuana is well known for the psychoactive influences of THC, our specialized process of refining the raw hemp removes all of the psychoactive influences of THC and results in a federally legal product that falls below the federally mandated cap of .3 THC. Once we are below the federally mandated level for THC, we can enjoy all the health benefits and none of the psychoactive influences. This is why at TOML we focus on the hemp plant and not the marijuana plant for the full benefit of each phytocannabinoid in the plant. We call them Naturally Occurring Cannabinoid products or NOC’s. This gives us the strongest balance of positive impact with no addictive or psychoactive elements. As the Endocannabinoid system in our bodies receives the phytocannabinoids and terpenes derived from our products a phenomenon known as homeostasis occurs. When homeostasis occurs a more balanced and stronger quality of life and health is possible.
As we mentioned: CBD is but one of the products in our array of phytocannabinoids and terpenes. Below is a more complete list of the Cannabinoids that are being discovered everyday. Each assists the body in a different way. That is why we work to include as many as of them as possible in our products.

There have been significant and numerous studies regarding the impacts of Cannabinoid solutions for PTSD, Mental Health, Physical Health and Total Well Being. While we are not going to make any claims, the users of legal cannabinoid products have spoken very highly of the increase in total wellness and the positive impact on their daily lives.
Think of Cannabinoids like a multi-vitamin. You can get just Vitamin C or you can take a Multi-Vitamin that covers multiple needs for your health and wellness.
At TOML we focus on NOC Products that may include multiple phytocannabinoids such as; CBD, CBG, CBN or CBC to create the best possible cannabinoid profiles for your body, while maintaining under 0.3% THC.
Look at the wheel below and learn more about how cannabinoids can support a positive effect in your everyday living.

How to use the wheel.
Begin in the center and identify an area of interest such as Pain/Sleep. Then look at the outer ring to identify a particular concern such as Arthritis. Next, look at the ring between pain/sleep and the outer ring to find the Cannabinoids that asset in helping support a healthy reaction to that pain or sleep concern. For Arthritis a wide range of Cannabinoids are suggested to assist a healthy reaction to Arthritis. You will notice that THC is also part of the solution. While THC does play an important role in assisting the body to restore itself, it is provided to allow the full suite of cannabinoids to have their maximum effect.
All of the TOML family of products are carefully formulated to provide less than the federally legal (.3%) level of THC.